Monday, April 22, 2013

Open Ended Question: How did Nero come to be?

Hey Free Hawks! So when I was younger I found a baby bird at the side of the road. It's leg appeared to be broken and the little chirper couldn't fly. I scooped up the bird and brought it home. I wanted to keep the bird as a pet so bad, I fed him sun flower seeds and set a bowl of water for him to drink from. My parents and I both had no idea how to care for a bird, so we went to the local pet store and bought a cage, bird feed, and toys for him to use.

(Attractive bird right? Although this isn't the one I had when I was a child)

I was thinking about this really cool experience early when I started thinking about Blood Red Road- as I normally do. And I started to wonder; How did Saba actually 'domesticate' and some-what 'train' Nero, her crow companion? Did she have a similar experience to mine? Did her and her family find Nero as a baby? Did Nero come swooping down one day while Saba's family was picnicking in the garden and never leave? In a perfect world I imagine Saba's mother finding a baby Nero in her garden and Saba and Lugh nurturing the crow.

So how do you fair Nero entered Saba's life? Leave it in the comments below, I'm very curious to read your thoughts.


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